歐司朗以智能高效 LED 技術塑造照明未來 , 應對照明挑戰 , 提升生活品質
香港2013年6月6日電 /美通社/ -- 為了滿足日益增長的節能需求,歐司朗將在2013年廣州照明展上展示一系列智能高效的照明解決方案,這些解決方案突顯了歐司朗在照明市場的領先地位。如今,歐司朗正持續推動行業向固態照明(SSL)轉型,以智能高效的產品點亮未來。部分展示產品包括:
2013年廣州國際照明展覽會期間,歐司朗將在3.1 展廳( B10 展位)展示以上產品。
歐司朗(OSRAM GmbH)總部位於德國慕尼黑,是世界領先的兩大照明製造商之一。歐司朗的產品覆蓋了整個照明產業價值鏈,從元器件(包括光源及光電半導體組件,如發光二極管(LED)等)到電子控制裝置、整套燈具、照明管理系統乃至整體照明解決方案。歐司朗在全球擁有約39,000名員工,2012財年(截止於2012年9月30日)獲得高達54億歐元的銷售總額,其中三分之二以上來自節能產品。100多年來,歐司朗一直專注於照明事業,並致力於提高人們的生活品質。如需獲得更多資訊,請訪問 www.osram.com 。
This document contains statements and information pertaining to the future – i.e. statements about processes that take place in the future, not in the past. These statements pertaining to the future can be identified by expressions such as "anticipate", "expect", "want", "intend", "plan", "believe", "aspire", "estimate", "will", "predict" or similar terms. Such statements are based on today's expectations and certain assumptions by OSRAM management. They are therefore subject to several risks and uncertainties. A large number of factors, of which several are not part of OSRAM's responsibility, have an impact on business activities, success, business strategy and results of OSRAM. These factors may lead to the actual results, success and achievements of OSRAM differing significantly from the details regarding results, success and achievements explicitly and implicitly stated in the statements pertaining to the future.
消息來源 歐司朗