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高雄美國商會發表 2014南台灣白皮書摘要 未來始於今日
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2014-03-27 23:01
天眼日報記者 馬源朝 高雄市 報導









(中英文對照版) Aboutthe American Chamber of Commerce Kaohsiung:

TheAmerican Chamber of Commerce Kaohsiung (AmCham Kaohsiung) serves as anindependent forum and representative body for U.S. and Taiwanese firms. Ithelps American companies integrate into the Southern Taiwan business communityand allows firms in Taiwan to build better ties and associations with American businessentities. AmCham Kaohsiung assists American companies wishing to invest in ortrade with Taiwan. To achieve this, AmCham Kaohsiung works with the AmericanInstitute in Taiwan Kaohsiung Branch as well as the US Foreign CommercialService in Taiwan, the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei, AIT Taipei andthe US Chamber of Commerce in Washington.



This2014 edition of the AmCham K White Paper Executive Summary

hasbeen authored by,










·推廣「Made in Taiwan」成為世界首屈一指的品牌形象,並且加深對國際標準的認識與遵行,這些作為現在比以往任何時候都更重要。想想「Made in Taiwan, Enjoyed Everywhere」(台灣製造、全球享受)。同時,台灣需要建立新的國際夥伴關係,以便在全球市場上更具競爭力。在探尋任何新商機、新夥伴或新投資者時,記住行動技術、乾淨能源創新等領域,以及將台灣定位為通往亞洲的理想門戶等。應搭建並擴大信賴之橋,使台灣企業可以更有效率在世界各地擴展商機。藉著搭起「信賴之橋」,企業可以將其定位為具有專業知識、遵行國際標準、具有高度責任感並且在其國內市場享有優良商譽。這些信賴之橋可透過台美大學建立合作關係帶來重要益處,作為企業未來推展商機的平台。







1. 清楚了解工商業的需求。台灣企業界應明確傳達其人力技能之需求所在,以確保新的勞動人口進入職場時,所有立下的基礎可以到位、滿足那些需求。(應確保政府及學界了解產業需求所在

2. 了解政府角色需因時制宜以滿足未來成長需求,政府官員與公務員能做好準備、執行配套計畫,使工商業界及學術界不至因法令不合時宜或政治口角而窒礙難行。(持續拓展和教師及企業的對話溝通,以確保政府能提供即時到位的支援協助。

3. 制定可以最密切反映未來勞動力需求的課程設計。(教師應盡可能提供最佳環境以發掘、培育學生的技能


















·我們生活在網路與行動通訊的時代。我們不僅需要持續將線上資訊的提供與呈現更加完備,也要讓資訊可以行動化。一般筆電、超輕薄筆電、平板電腦、智慧型手機等裝置隨處可見,且每年使用者人數不斷上升。盡可能以最有效率的方式進軍這個潛在市場,提供AndroidiOSWindows系統行動裝置格式及線上格式的app,將可確保最大程度的資訊提供與取得。全球70多億人口中有27.5億人使用網路(比去年增加6億人)。根據美國市場研究公司eMarketer.com報告顯示,全球智慧型手機使用人數去年剛剛越過10億人,到2014年底預計將成長到17.5億人,到2017年預計將成長至50億人。根據statisticbrain.com數據顯示,月活躍用戶有超過13億人;What’s App月活躍用戶有4.65億人、日活躍用戶有3.3億人;Line聲稱使用者超過3億人;Instagram聲稱月活躍用戶超過1.5億人、照片分享總數已達160億張、每日照片上傳數量達5千5百萬張;Skype聲稱使用者有3億人等。顯然地,如果你想要爭取到最多的觀眾,網路與行動應用程式是最好的方法。





3. 完整的產業聚落

4. 充沛的人力供應

5. 完整的產業交通網路

6. 完整的提供外商良好的食衣住行育樂


The Four Cornerstones of Southern Taiwan’s Future

·ACCESSDevelopment of revenuegenerating industries requires easyaccess by air, sea and land. Comprehensive and convenient choices ingetting to Taiwan should include efficient arrival procedures whether by sea(Cruise Ships) or air (Commercial, Business or Private Jet). Growing demands onlocal transportation require continuing development and expansion of masstransit systems, smooth flowing traffic and adequate parking.

·EDUCATION and TRAININGThe slow-going global economic recovery,the ongoing efforts in Mexico to get back on track, Brazil’s growing debt,crime and wealth disparity as it prepares for the 2014 FIFA and 2016 Olympics,and the cooling economy in China will create new challenges and opportunitiesthat will increasedemands on Taiwan’screativity and business abilities. Taiwan’s educational system needs toreally step up its game while working with local and international companies sothat brain drain can be minimized, and more students from abroad can beattracted to study and find work here. Taiwan will successfully position itselfas the perfect hub for business to, from and in Asia if it can nurture andproduce a broad array of well-prepared members of the workforce. A talented andefficient high-value workforce is a very important part of attracting andkeeping the businesses that will help ensure that the island will be aworld-leader for future generations to come.

·SOLID COMMERCIAL and INDUSTRIALBASEThe continuingtransition from Kaohsiung’s traditional heavyindustry manufacturing base; fromTainan’s historic and spiritual foundation; and from Pingtung’s agriculturaleconomy to cleaner, higher-tech, tourism and service based economies will leadto real sustainable growth and robust economic stability. Expansion of renewable energy technologies,foreign investment, tourism, and corporate relocation to the south are commonessentials.

·ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITYMaketraditional industries vital community members by assisting in cleaningup while providing support and resources to assist upgrades.


·The ongoingTIFA talksBetween the US and Taiwan, expansion of the ECFA with a Trade and Services Agreement between Taiwan and theMainland, the trade agreements between Taiwan and Singapore and New Zealand, areall very positive steps for Taiwan.Further adoption of international standards and protocols are needed in order totake better advantage of working through established protocols of the WTO.Taiwan needs to continue its work towards becoming an active member in the TransPacific Partnership(TPP)and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)whileit seeks additional trade agreements abroad. The entrepreneurial spirit andcreativity of the people in Taiwan is an amazingly strong force.Taiwan can usethe model under which it joined the World Trade Organization (in the name ofthe “separate customs of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu”)if needed to achieveparticipation in the RCEP. Meanwhile, as the TPP and RCEP continue to bediscussed, there must remain a focus to complete follow-up talks on theEconomic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed between the two sides of theTaiwan Strait in 2010.

·Promoting “Made in Taiwan” branding,as a world leader, while getting an improved understanding and compliance withworldwide standards is even more important than ever before. Think “Made inTaiwan, Enjoyed Everywhere”. At the same time, Taiwan needs to forge newinternational partnerships in order to be more competitive in the globalmarket. Mobile technology, clean energy innovation and creative positioning asthe ideal gateway to Asia are primary items that need to be remembered whenexploring any new business, partner,or investor.Trust Bridges need to be established and expanded in order forTaiwan companies to more efficiently grow business with the world. These TrustBridges are an important benefit of cooperation through US and TaiwanUniversities, which can act as the platform for which future business canprosper.

Providing theNeeded Resources and Support to the Silent Heroes

Thereare two agencies in Taiwan that have a major impact on tourism, foreigninvestment, and the economy in Taiwan. These are not the ones you are likely tothink of first; not the Bureau of Economic Development, or the Tourism Bureau,or TAITRA or another group, although they all do a lot of good work.. The twoagencies I refer to work in the background, quietly but with purpose. I amreferring to the NIA and CAA.

The NIA is responsible all things regardingforeigners in Taiwan. Visitors, potential investors, migrant workers, domestichelp, and so many more people need the NIA to make sure that living and workingin Taiwan is a positive, legal and safe experience. The National ImmigrationAgency has done so much in recent years to become more responsive and helpful,more efficient and clear. The improvements are both significant and easy tosee. Taiwan is now a less confusing place to live and work in, and at the sametime a place where persons are treated with kindness and understanding whenthey overstay or have problems. In addition, their work at eliminating humantrafficking is commendable indeed. However, there are still areas in whichservices can be improved. In order to meet the needs of growth in tourism andforeign investment and talent, the NIA needs the proper facilities, equipmentand man power to reach their own goals.

Another unsung hero of Taiwan’s success is theCivil Aeronautics Administration MOTC (CAA). Under the experienced eye ofDirector General Jean Shen, the overwhelming workload of an ever-changing andcomplex industry is difficult on a good day and utterly nerve racking on thoseinevitable bad days. The CAA makes it possible for tourist and foreigninvestors to arrive here by air. Without the CAA, Taiwan might only be anisland in the middle of nowhere that no one can get to.

Providing a Balanced Education

·Education and training is easily the most important investmentin the successful future for southern Taiwan.Business, Government and Academia need to clearly assess the future needs oftomorrow’s workforce. A large portion of corporate, government and academicshared responsibility should be devoted to achieving the following goals:

·1. Clearly understanding the needs of industry and commerce;corporate Taiwan needs to communicate clearly those needs and make sure thatall the building blocks are in place to meet those needs when new members enterthe workforce (Make Sure Government andAcademia know what is needed);

·2. Knowing how the role of government will need to adapt and beingable to meet future growth demands with a well-prepared staff and officials whocan execute support programs so that both industry or commerce and academia arenot hindered by outdated regulations or political bickering (Ensure continuing Outreach with Educatorsand Businesses so that the government can provide well-placed and timelysupport);

·3. Preparing curriculum that most closely reflects what will berequired by the future workforce (Educatorsmust provide the best environment possible where student talents andcapabilities can be identified and nurtured).

·Investment of time and resources in school systems and businesspartnerships would give businesses more say in how the future workforce isdeveloped, give students a better chance of obtaining a job that fits theirskill set, and give schools an understanding of area business human resourceneeds.

·Continue work at creating better communication with foreigneducators whose native languages are being studied by tomorrow’s workforce.Continue working with local schools and foreign teachers in order to moreclearly understand what is best for students, and how to allow for more nativeEnglish speakers to teach classes in all subjects to broaden the mindset ofstudents and best prepare them for the future. Get foreign educators moreinvolved in the development of new programs.

·Expand courses targeted at fostering the tourist industry: hoteland hospitality management, international cuisine, tour management, eventmanagement for concerts, and restaurant management.

·Project based learning and more comprehensive assessmentsofstudents should be employed. It is the development of persistence,attentiveness, and working with others that create a productive workforce whencombined with cognitive skills.

·It is essential to encourage and support international schools if we want to have truly internationalcities. Private schools must continue their outstanding efforts to reach out toassist the community and the community needs to embrace private schools thatare dedicated to being a positive partner in raising the children of southernTaiwan. Public and private schools have many programs, resources, staff, andideas that can be shared and indoing so, will benefit all students. Working together for quality education forall students should be the call for all educators and governmental officials.High quality private schools help greatly to attract foreign companies andskilled talent, in addition to providing a jumping off point for Taiwanstudents seeking to continue their education abroad.

Energy and the Environment

·Renewable and sustainable energy will continue to dominate thedomestic and global economy for decades to come. Taiwan must continue to seizethis opportunity to be a world leader inclean energy so that it can exchange ideas and technologies with its friends,develop innovative solutions and export a better future to its neighbors.Southern Taiwan has ideal conditions for the development of many clean energytechnologies, demo projects, and systems integration. As such, it should striveto research, invest, develop and market energy innovations that include notonly new technologies, but also new ways to use existing tech in new andinnovative ways.

·Nuclear energy has remained controversial since the earthquake andtsunami that affected Fukashima, Japan three years ago. Taiwan needs to look atall available options. Whether it intends to rely on nuclear in the future ornot, a rapid shift in energy strategies would be extremely difficult at bestand economically catastrophic at worst. Taiwan’s future energy portfolio needsto be both broad in scope and well understood by the cross-section of itssociety. This includes cutting edgenuclear technologies and alternatives. Taiwan relies so heavily on nuclearenergy, so it must proceed with caution of course, but also with an open mindfor new scientific advances and hi-tech progress in nuclear and geothermal,carbon capture and sequestration, short and medium term benefits that can comefrom natural gas, developments and trends in both solar and wind, as well as workin tidal power. New data and computer models that can factor in the events fromFukashima can be helpful in creating new designs and systems. Energy safety andsecurity are paramount, with cost also being an important factor. Taiwan canlook at this challenge as a new opportunity. Work to become the model forclean, safe, reliable energy as an innovator and then market the technology.New possibilities using well-established energy technologies in new ways, andthe novel integration of various different forms of energy production mightprovide new potential and possibilities where none existed just a few yearsago.

·Balance clean energy development with tourism opportunities. Thetwo industries should be in constant communicationto ensure that negative environmental impact is minimized as growth intourism increases. If done at its best, these industries can help each other.Eco-energy tourism; where persons from around the world come to see how newways of integrating the variety of energy production and conservationtechnologies come together to create real energy solutions and life styles thathave a positive impact on the environment and economy.


·Develop high qualitytourism experiences, especially as the market is flooded with tourist groups frommainland China now. Look for ways to provide a value-added experience that willattract greater revenue to the island.

·As examples of tourism related news in recent months, in a HiltonWorldwide survey, Singaporeans votedTaiwan as “Favorite Culinary Destination” with over 2,700 leisure travelersfrom Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singaporeand Thailand surveyed. Hotels.com revealedon November 19th, 2013 that Taiwan is the destination offering thegreatest value for bargain hunters for Christmas, as it topped the list ofdestinations where consumers can get the best value for money for their gifts.China is the top source of visitors to Taiwan, data released by Taiwan’sMinistry of the Interior showed. Taiwan posted a record 8,016,280 arrivals ofnon-residents last year, and 50.62 percent of the visits were made by Chineseresidents, including those from Hong Kong and Macau, according to the ministry.Chinese visitors also posted the biggest increase in 2013, up 12.7 percent fromthe previous year, the ministry said.

·Taiwan needs to find ways to build onthe good start in its young tourist industry by catering and attractinghigh-quality tourists and highlighting Taiwan as one of the best values invacation destinations.

·Taiwan needs to continue developing a tourism workforcewho can earn sustainable wages and enjoy amanageable work schedule. Tourism students should be utilized to conduct surveys at transportation hubs to gainmore insight for the industry.

·Tourism is not only about the “tourist”. During the 2013 AsiaPacific City Summit (APCS), held in Kaohsiung, the feedback provided a mostinteresting set of trends. In general, all those foreigners who attended thesummit were impressed with the City and its growth in environmentalresponsibility. Kudos to Kaohsiung. However, and perhaps more interesting wasthe feedback regarding those who volunteered for the event. Taiwan studentsfrom around the island trained and prepared for this important event. And, theycould not have been any better Ambassadors for Taiwan. Every single foreignerwho attended the summit and was surveyed by this author, and there werehundreds, said without exception that the volunteers were all well-informed,polite, quite helpful, surprisingly capable at understanding any problem anddealing with it quickly and decisively, and always in the best positive frameof mind. Happy, helpful and heartwarming. There could be no betterspokespersons for Taiwan, and there are numerous lessons to be learned fromthis event.

Business Development

·With the 2014 International Boat Show taking place in May 2014, wemust hope that preparations have been completed and comprehensive; and we mustidentify all the good and the bad things that occur during the exhibition, andlearn how not to repeat mistakes while expanding the things that went well.Fortunately, the Boat Show will be preceded by a slightly lower keyInternational Fastener Show that will take place at the time this paper becomespublicly available, and should offer good experience that can be used at theBoat Show.

·We live in an online andmobile world. We need to not only continue to perfect our onlineinformation and presentation, but also make it mobile. Laptops, Ultrabooks,tablets and smartphones are everywhere and being used by more and more peopleeach year. Tap into this potential market in the most efficient way possible;online and mobile apps for Android,iOS and Windows systems will ensure maximum accessibility. There areover 7 billion people in the world, 2.75 billion using the internet (up over600 million from last year). Global smartphone users just passed 1 billion lastyear, but are expected to reach 1.75 billion by the end of 2014, with over 5billion mobile phone users expected by 2017 according to eMarketer.com. Accordingto statisticbrain.com, there are over 1.3 billion active monthly users; What’sApp has 465 million monthly active users and 330 million daily users; Lineclaims to have over 300 million users; Instagram boasts over 150 millionpersons active each month, 16 billion photos shared and 55 million photosposted each day; and Skype claiming 300 million users. Clearly, if you want toreach the largest audience, online and mobile applications offer the best way.

The Big Picture

·SouthernTaiwan must continue its efforts to firmly establish and maintain six (6) keyadvantages for attracting foreign investment:

1. Excellent geographical position andlogistics;

2.Outstandingsea and airports with a natural advantage of good year-round weather;

3. All-inclusive industry clusters;

4. Abundant manpower supply;

5. An extensive industry transportationnetwork;

Comprehensive necessities for foreign businessmenincluding excellent accommodations, restaurants, mass transit, andentertainment.

上傳時間:2014-03-27 23:01
免責聲明:本文來自 馬源朝 ,不代表天眼日報全球網路電視台的觀點和立場。